Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers

This type of fire extinguisher is not as commonly used as stored pressure type These type of fire have the advantage of simple and onsite recharge, allowing a user to use the fire extinguisher, refill it, in a reasonable amount of time.

Dry chemical fire extinguishers (ABC type) are the most commonly used fire extinguishers in various segments like petrol pumps, industries, offices, homes, stores etc. Dry chemical fire extinguishers can handle two or three types of fires depending on the composition of powder used in them. The concept behind a dry chemical fire extinguisher is to blanket the fire and stop the intake of oxygen. The dry chemical fire extinguisher sprays a very finely meshed powder which coats the fuel and smothes the fire.



Dry chemical fire extinguishers can be classified into two types:
1) stored pressure type In stored pressure type fire extinguishers the powder is stored in the master chamber as the
propellant “Nitrogen” is stored. The different propellant is used for different types of powder here., Nitrogen is mainly used in a stored pressure type of fire extinguishers Stored pressure type is nowadays most commonly used.
2)Cartridge-operated type
These type of fire extinguishers contain the propellant gas (Mainly CO2) in a separate cartridge which when punctured pressurize the inner container prior to discharge. Which leads to exposing the propellant to the extinguishing agent and the powder is discharged.


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